Matcha Overkill

A sydney based anime cover band. Like Bang Dream but with less than a fraction of the talent and skill.

About Us

Yo everyone, we are Matcha Overkill, a name spawned from democracy. We think anime is alright, but somehow, we play songs from it and we think we are pretty good at it. If you have a mind, we will blow it with our tinnitus inducing concussive music. Please note we will not be playing Freebird, if you ask I will cry.


In the year 20XX there is an acclaimed guitarist named Orpheus that was said to have been taught by the god Apollo himself. So great was their drive, passion, and determination that they would constantly play on their instrument from sundown to sun set. Even when they were sleeping, their dreams would continue in a non-stop symphony. The neurons in their brain broke down and re-aligned to the point of developing a form of late-stage synaesthesia, the timbre of sounds could be seen as a district hue of colours as if it were split by a prism. Their lust for tone was unquenchable, developing into a warped form of hubris.
Somewhere in a lab, they had brought ‘him’ back to life. The one true electric psychedelic God. They had recovered his body from the cemetery and created a clone from his body. They had implanted the God’s experiences back into his body. In a sense, he had been resurrected. When he first opened his eyes the first thing, he said to scientists is “Do you got a smoke?” All his adherents upon learning upon his return, all that played upon a guitar, prostrated themselves before him, all but one.
Divine Punishment
Although Orpheus had love for the God for the past, hubris had consumed them entirely. As time passed, the glory of the God had grown exponentially. It was clear to Orpheus was inferior in every way, despite practicing over and over and over, their skills could not defeat a God. It was as if Apollo had abandoned them as they too also bowed before the re-awakened God. Jealousy had the colour purple; all they could see and hear was the colour purple. They knew even if they had practiced for thousands of years, there was no way they could surpass God.
The Crossroads
Orpheus had begun to wander the earth, the sky was purple, the ground was purple, food tasted purple, voices sounded purple. After years they had found themselves in a soundless place, a perfect place. Somewhere where people’s souls decayed from just from being there, a land of endless green. To Orpheus it seemed all pitch black.
Mobius Strip
A single point of time had moved, history had been rewritten and thus the God had not been born. Music had been killed in this new branched timeline.
Scientific Centre for Uncommon Manifolds
S.C.U.M is an organization dedicated to the research of uncommon manifolds, primary to developing a relativistic model of earth and potentially (if it exists) finding the exact velocity of earth and therefore find the absolute point and axis of the universe. After surveying the earth, they encountered an unknown anomaly, creating an impasse on the research. The anomaly indicated that a single point in time had changed with the hypothesised reason being the release of tachyons, hence dubbed the tachyon cascade. Nevertheless, they had found their actual answer as a masked being that called themselves “Orpheus” broke onto the site of an observed tachyon cascade and resolved it by playing their guitar. When questioned, they simply stated that they were there to undo what they have caused before escaping. Observation records showed that they had played on a never seen before instrument that resembled a 6 stringed guitar. Researchers present at the site had remembered pieces of a present where music sounded much differently, using instruments foreign us. Psychiatric evaluation states that these memories were not false ones and were instead memories of a timeline where the development of music had never ceased nor stagnated as it did in our world. The moments the researchers present remembered this other world, the tachyon cascade dissipated, and readings returned to normal levels. It was evident that what had caused these anomalies to occur had been an after affect of a certain point in time being altered, changing solely the future of music yet leaving every other historical event intact. Left unchecked there would be a growing possibility of a grandfather temporal paradox to occur. A new division within S.C.U.M was formed, the investigative division, spearheaded by administrative director Eric who had previously been hired as an outsourced contractor. He drafted a team using both internal and external personnel, both Samuel and Daniel came from the engineering department whilst Lehra and Neha came from the applied mathematics department. Garry was brought in as an expert in harmonics as a mutual of Daniel. Together the team wield instruments from the other world so that they may quell anomalies and let people remember a world where music brought people together.
After an incident where the previous director was admitted to hospital due to matcha tea poisoning, the investigative division called themselves “Matcha Overkill”, a name democratically picked yet left everyone dissatisfied.
Perhaps they may be able to save Orpheus’ endless quest to undo their mistake and find out exactly how Orpheus triggered the tachyon cascade.
Remember our music; save the future.


Our lineage starts nearly 100 years ago when Robert Johnson made a contract to become the first musical magical girl. Since then, rock has spawned from the blues in the deep south, and we too hath become musical magical girls. We made a contact with not a cutesy talking animal, but a rather malicious being. We are condemned to play rock anime music, we should have really signed on to play easier songs. With our band of friends we pool our collective weeb energy to paint a wondrous hue of music, it would be as if Van Gogh was a weeb. We first debut at SMASH! 2021 and since then have performed at venues such as Garry Owen Hotel, a seating area at UTS, Wendy’s, Manning Bar, and Botany View Hotel.We hope to see you at our next gig, please come as we are being actively pursued by hellhounds.

Contact Us

Type here to email us, or for quicker results hit us up on instagram

Thank You

And fuck off


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̷̡̯̮̝̤͈͗̉̂̓͗͒Á̴̢̺̥̱̣̹̼̻̪̞Ḽ̵̡̧̢̰͚͙̣̘̺̹͕̿͌̆̍̾̎͜͝ͅL̷̛̤̲̯̱̹̯͆̽̓͘ ̸̡̧̪̙̪͗ͅI̵̬̺̼̮̜͍͚͕͖̱̪̊͂͘͜ ̵̧̪̫͈̘͓̣̩͚̺̯͓̾̊S̶̨̨̛̥͎̜̯͓͍͓͖͙͓̹͗̃̽̿͛̋͠E̷̲̮͍̳͚̭̟̲̱͖̅͜Ȩ̶͎͓̦͇̲͖͚̳̭͚͊͆͂͑͗̆̌͜ͅ ̵̤̺̿̈́̓̿̃̾͒͑͗͆̃̿͝I̴̛̠̟̜̯͔̲̔͆͛̈́̀͋͗̓͜͝͠S̶̡̢̢̩̺̙̹̽̅̓͆̀͒͒̏͘̕͝͝͝ ̴̡̧̰̼̮̙͎͊̈́̈́͠P̶̥̣̹͕͐̕͘Ǘ̴͍͉̝̪̑̊̅̀̌̉͘͝͝R̶̢̜͖̻̠̮̓͗P̸̯͍̱̏̓̿̎̚͝ͅĻ̷̛͉͐̾E̶̢̳̥̥̲̯̮̥͙̯̥̯̋ͅ
̷̢̢̯̬̬͔̘͈̻̤̃̓̐̀̀͛̔͊̄̍̾͒͠A̷̧̳͚̫̪̟̙̳̳͖͖̔̉͂̉̑̍̔͋̾͛̈͠L̸͉̻͈͇͎͙̜̳͊̄̑̓̒̒̕͝L̶̦̊̍͜ ̵̢̡̯̼͇͈̜̠̹͔͋͆̈́̉̓̿͆̚ͅḬ̴̢̛̪̭̪̞̫̼͔͙̇̒̓͌ ̴̦̙̪͓̭̬͍̱͙̹̙̟̙̞̍͝͠͠S̵͎̭̥͙̹͉̝̔̑̇́̂͒̚̚͜͜͝E̷̝̞̓̉͌̿̾̎̓̐̌͘͠Ę̷̧͔̲͓͓͓͕̥̲̙̬͎͊͜ ̵̯̣̐I̴͚̯͕͔̳͈͙͕̘̺̜͎͋̽̽̾̀͠͝ͅS̶̢̺̼̝̳̦̲͈̠̦̥̰͕̄̇̈́̀̄̉ ̸̢͔͚̣̝̞̼͔̟̱͒̋͊̈́͛͜͝͝͠P̵̢̢͓̰͙̺͙̦͇̠͚̩̳̻̍̐͝U̶͚̬̤̝̥͙̠̓̌̂̃̇͠R̵̨̧̛̻͕̔̄͊̍͠͝P̵̧̰̮̭̭̟͚̞͗L̴̦̺͔̩͒E̶̛̼̝̥͇̟̦̾̂́̕
̶̛̞̹͚͊̅̀̄͋̂͐͘͝͠À̷̧̨̘͎̞̲̱̺͙̬͗͛̓̓Ĺ̵̡̳͙̯̫̄͂̈̄̽̿̅̾͌͒̒͠Ļ̴̞̱̞͂̉̈́̄̉̈́̎͘͠ ̴̢̺̟͇͙̹͚̣͔̼͔̒̆͆̑I̵̺̠͇͔͙͎̤̦̺͇͍͙͖̝̍̈́͛̂͛̇́͘͠͝ ̷̨͈̩͕͍̰͉̯̠̜̘̄̏̑͂̽̆͒͝͝ͅS̴͓͔͙͂̌̅͛͑̐͋̈͘E̴̫͓̩̝̻̹̟͎̝̺͑͛̋͑͝ͅȨ̷̨̱̬̻͐͆̈̃́̇͜͝͝͝ ̴͎̟̯͍̟͇̫̝͉͖̮͈͑̅̈́͜İ̷̡̙̙̙̲̱̬̩̮̰͈̣̿̎͐̀͐̚͘̕S̸͖̭̜͑̎́̔̚ ̴̧̯̞͕̫̹͌̌̑̋̒̌̐͠P̷̛̘̲͙͇̤̺̜̜͂͛̐̊͒̄̊̍̔͑͛̚͝ͅƯ̵̜̘̲̫̿̆̄̄́̌̕R̶̢̬͚̰̫͍͚̬͈͍̬̯̓̒̏̒̎̋͜͝͠ͅP̶̫̙͈͍̯̤͉͖̪͓͂̄̓L̵̨̙̣͚̟̭̩͔̝̤͓̓̇̌̔͒̽̎͜ͅE̸̜̬̼̾̔̉̒̀̿̓͋̂͐͘͝
̴̧̡̡̡̰̮̱͈̘̫͚̼͙̌̐͛͑̌̈́͑͜͠͠A̷̧̫̝̲̫͛͐͒͊̌͑̓́L̶̡͍̫̪̙̺͎̜͔̺͚͓̇̋͊̓̍̈́͝L̶̡̦͋̑̆͊̈́̃̿̈͠ ̸̮̅͊͑̂̑͌͐͒̆̉̽̎̂͌I̸̡͍̬̙͓̙̼̿̄̓̕ ̵̧͔̺͕͉̦̞̣̫͇̝̏̇̒̆͒̿̓̕S̵̙͊͋̈́̾͘Ȩ̸̢͎͎̟̟͓̭̫̥̟̥̈́͒̋̄E̷̳̜͍͕͉̠̙̫̋̉̐͘̕͘͝͠͝ ̸̪͕͚̯̞͎͕̊̌̎̆̾̒̎̉̑̀̌̈͋̚I̸͕̙̫̞̣͋̈́̐̾͑̈͂͑Ṡ̴̨̭̤̙̬͕̹̪͙̟̻͎͗͑̄̐̀̓̇͑̈́͑ ̵̥̳̟̠͕̳͂͐P̵̛̥̳͉̬͙̺͕̻̳̾̏̄͊̓̈́̂̇̌͘̕͜Ư̷̢̛̲̱̻̙̜̭̬̍̌̋̍̈̐̌̄R̸̫̘͓͖̰͎͊̊P̴͇̻̯͓̣͍̘̣͚̫͌̍̋̾͂̅L̸̪͈̹̊͒̔̏̈́͘̕̕Ẹ̵̮̩̥͍̮̘͎̽̃̽̈͂͝͠
̶̛̱̲̱̫̬̆͐̈́̂͐̓̔̕͝A̸̛͚͕̤͊͒͒͊͒͛̌̀̊̀L̶̦̜͓͙̈́͜L̸̡̛͎̳͖̳͑͗̅̃̎̌̋͛̈́̕͝ ̶̨̢̛̺̑̂̏͗̊̇̓̕͠ͅI̸̯̜̹̙͎̻̟̫̠ ̸̜̯̣͍̇̇̇̈́̅̾͝S̸̡̢̧͕̩͙͖̼̭̪͚̺̬̐̒Ė̸̬̥Ë̷̹̜͈̣̜͍͓̠̙́̒͛ ̴̢̧̬̥͍͎͔̠̫̞͎̊͌͑͆̊̔̎̍͒̑̆͋̕͝I̸͉͔̣̟̩͎̩̬̱̍̔͋͗̔́͠S̷̛͙͈̣̠̞̩̭̩͊̅̍̈́̎̓̅̈́̍̂̿͘͝ ̴̧̛͍̩̼̫̩̪̼͓̪̰̓̐̋͑̄̄̕̕P̶̧̨̡̮̺̭̰̞͚̄͗̈́́Ư̵̢̦̳̤͎͓̬̱͂̏͊̈̕͘̕͝͝͝ͅŖ̶̺̦̓̋͌̄̍͘P̷͉̥̣̙͇͕̈́̈́̀̃͐͑̽̔̿̒͘͘L̷̛͖̥̪̎̿͆̂̔̀̅͒̕È̸̠͚̩̙̱̩͍̱̪̊̍̆͊ͅ
You cannot defy a god

    SMASH 2024

    Come to the con please 5pm saturday

    Shin setsugekka

    For real fucking shenanigans

    Matcha Overkill X Anijam (Name subject to change)

    At the vangard

    UTS Anime Halloween


    JAM FEST 2024